Evidently someone got a hold of my blog post over at and posted it there. Some of the forum users over there are discussing it and I wanted to do my responding here, if that's alright with everyone. Oh it's not? Well then stop reading. (Otherwise read on!)
Quotes taken directly from forum threads.
The Real Atlanta Cock has over 700 posts in the
While discussing my blog post (at this link), he wrote:
Not knocking Simpson, but it's just one man's opinion, I'm not sure I buy all of it. He makes SOS sound like a villain in a James Bond novel the way he orchestrated this whole thing.

I addressed this quote in my earlier blog post about how I didn't think Coach Spurrier was being evil per se. I just needed a quick metaphor to communicate the fact that I truly believe that most of what Steve Spurrier does that gets called cocky or arrogant by the media is being done on purpose as a charade to help put his players in a position to win.

But also, too often the villains in the Bond films come across as bumbling idiots monologue-ing themselves into the jaws of defeat! HBC is much more shrewd than those guys. Although it would be super cool if he ever whipped his visor off and threw it at an official that made a bad call and it flew like Odd-Job's razor hat and then came back to him as he caught it and put it back on his head. I think that would be awesome!
Odd Job from Goldfinger and Coach Spurrier with their magic hats!

And for the record, I have never read a Bond novel, so I am only qualified to respond to the villains in the movie versions.

From coach to comedian: Marty Simpson is a former USA Today high school All-American and collegiate Academic All-Conference player for USC who scored the Gamecocks' first 6 points in the SEC. During 8 years as a high school varsity coach, Simpson led his team to the state finals and saw one player advance to set an NFL rookie record. Simpson now divides his time between his family, running a multimedia company named Blue-Eyed Panda and getting the same pre-game jitters by performing stand-up comedy nationwide.

Check out Marty's performance dates here.

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