This is Savannah and me riding the Manta Roller-Coaster at Sea World. This is by far the scariest roller-coaster I have ever been on. What you cannot tell in this picture is that we are lying UNDER the track. Picture a ski-loft that pulls your butt up and clicks into place under the track!! CRAZY INSANE. (See Youtube Video in the full post.)
AND NO, it doesn't feel like you are flying like super-man -- it feels like you are 30 seconds from being dead! The ride up the hill is always the worst part for me because I am afraid of heights. Well on the Manta, you are face down, actually looking down at your impending death drop of 250 feet into the park concrete below you!
I told Savannah while we were in line that she may hear me yell a bad word. She said, "That's O.K., I know them all anyway, from the neighborhood kids."
The words that came out of my mouth on the ride were few. The first one was AAAAAWWWWWWWW (Explitive-here.) Then basically a cacophony of please-Jesus, sweet-Jesus, and help me-Jesuses.
Afterwards when I spoke with Savannah, I asked if she heard me. She said, "Yeah, and what were talking to Jesus for? Were you asking for forgiveness for the bad word?"
And I responded, "Um... I will now, Savannah.