Below is a picture of What the Dog Dragged In to my house this morning!! We have been plagued by this varmint for over four months now. It has torn up our backyard and cost us over a hundred dollars in attempts to rid ourselves of it.
But today, Luke, our Goldendoodle, put an end to all of that! He, single-handedly, (or quadra-pawedly) captured and terminated the MOLE that had infiltrated our environment. He was also savvy enough to bring the rodent (I think it's a rodent) into our house and drop it onto our oriental rug for our viewing pleasure!
This proves, yet again, that the Goldendoodle, is indeed The Dog of Destiny for President Elect Obama's family. Surely, this presidential team will need someone on their staff that is able to sniff out a MOLE when it exists. And not only recognize a mole in the organization, but have the wherewithal to do something about it!
On this Thanksgiving weekend, I am reminded to count my lucky stars for my Goldendoodles, Gus and Luke! Without Luke, this MOLE would still be loose doing whatever it pleased!
MOLE [mohl]
1. | any of various small insectivorous mammals, esp. of the family Talpidae, living chiefly underground, and having velvety fur, very small eyes, and strong forefeet. |
2. | a spy who becomes part of and works from within the ranks of an enemy governmental staff or intelligence agency. Compare double agent. |
Shown above, giving this MOLE a proper burial. (It may be a MOLE, but it deserves a rightful death.)
As we were reciting, "Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust" and dropping the MOLE into the hole, my nine year old, Savannah, asked, "What if it is still alive, Daddy?"
I simply replied, "Well, then it will be able to dig its way out, right? It's a MOLE!"
From coach to comedian: Marty Simpson is a former USA Today high school All-American and collegiate Academic All-Conference player for USC who scored the Gamecocks' first 6 points in the SEC. During 8 years as a high school varsity coach, Simpson led his team to the state finals and saw one player advance to set an NFL rookie record. Simpson now divides his time between his family, running a multimedia company named Blue-Eyed Panda and getting the same pre-game jitters by performing stand-up comedy nationwide.
Check out Marty's performance dates here.
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