In this picture, Luke is shown in his normal, "I just fall asleep wherever, however" pose. Maybe some of you are thinking this gives evidence that Luke might have been the perfect breed of dog for former President Clinton . . . you may be right.
However, President Obama is going to face unforeseen challenges from all angles. He will not need a high strung crazy First Dog yapping and running through the White House in times of crisis. He will need a dog that can sleep through terrorist attacks and stock-market crashes without disturbing the neighbors.
From coach to comedian: Marty Simpson is a former USA Today high school All-American and collegiate Academic All-Conference player for USC who scored the Gamecocks' first 6 points in the SEC. During 8 years as a high school varsity coach, Simpson led his team to the state finals and saw one player advance to set an NFL rookie record. Simpson now divides his time between his family, running a multimedia company named Blue-Eyed Panda and getting the same pre-game jitters by performing stand-up comedy nationwide.
Check out Marty's performance dates here.
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