Who Is Savannah Simpson?
Savannah Simpson is the daughter of former Gamecock Kicker and Punter, Marty Simpson. Marty is the president of Blue-Eyed Panda LLC. (Savannah's nick-name is Sonny.)
Savannah (or Sonny) will be picking her bowl game winners based on which team has the better looking uniforms, as she is quite the fashionista. Read on to register and play for free!
Savannah will be picking the games along with Tommy Moody, Benji Norton, and Bob Shields of 107.5 The Early Game morning radio show. The contest will be tallied, and if Savannah wins, the guys will have to do something special to be announced later.
If Savannah loses ... well, we'll jump off that bridge when we get there, but most likely she will simply remind everyone she is a ten year old little girl and that she picked the games based on the uniforms!
See Sonny's Video Explanations of Some of Her Picks
How Do You Get to Play?
If you would like to participate in this fun contest, read below on how to register with the site and enter your picks to see how you stack up against Sonny. Outlined below are the prizes for the web contestants as well as the rules.
How to Play
Below are the steps you take to play:
- Register with the website
- Activate your account
- Login (Using the top right corner login button)
- Fill out your entries for the Bowl Schedule
- Wait to see how you well you did.
- All finalists will contacted via email.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot this part...Pray that you actually do beat a girl whose picks are based solely on the uniform fashion of the teams involved.
How Does Sonny Make Her Picks?
In case you missed it above, Sonny will choose her winner solely based on the teams' uniforms. (Sorry ahead of time to Joe Pa!)
If she likes both uniforms equally, or dislikes them both equally, she will then go to which mascot she likes better. (And not mascot name, but actual mascot character.)
How to Win?
Online winners will register at the site. Fill out the bowl list with their chosen winners. Each win that is predicted correctly is worth 1 point. No spreads are used for the game outcomes, only raw, real scores. After the final game has been played, all entries will be counted and the ones that have actually defeated (if there are any) Sonny's total wins will all be tallied.
From this list, finalists will be chosen. The finalists will be those entries that defeated Savannah's picks by the most amount. If there is only one entry left when this calculation is complete, then that person will be declared the grand prize winner. If there are multiple folks at the top of the win total that ended with the same number of wins, then a random drawing will be held to determine the grand prize winner.
The overall grand prize will be announced on the radio on the Early Game on 107.5 so stay tuned.
What if I Heard About it Late, Can I Still Play?
YES! There will be two grand prize winners. The first will be awarded to the person that picks all games between December 19th and the BCS National Championship game. The 2nd Grand Prize winner will be awarded to person who has the most wins in the bowl games that are played ON or AFTER January 1st.
So go ahead and get to pickin'!!
(Noteworthy: Any game played prior to your register date will not be counted towards your total win number for obvious reasons! However, you may still register and win if your total win number exceeds Savannah's. And as long as you register by January 1st, you will be eligible for the 2nd grand prize for the January 1 and later bowl games.)
A Quick Recap
- Register with the site. (Register and play by clicking here.)
- Activate your account. (Instructions will be emailed to you upon registration.)
- Login using the top right Login link on every page of the website.
- After logging in you will be taken to the Bowl Picks page.
- You have to fill out every game's entry to have a valid submission.
- The tie breaker picks will be to predict whether Savannah will beat Bob, Tommy, and Benji of the Early Game at 107.5
Privacy Policy
Blue-Eyed Panda LLC, is a based in Columbia, South Carolina in the Vista! Blue-Eyed Panda LLC will not sell or redistribute your email for any reason.
(Prizes will be announced soon! Make sure to listen to 107.5 The Game in the mornings for the details.)
To view Savannah Simpson's Website, which has videos of her interviewing Gamecock fans and more,
click here --> www.SavannahSmiles.net.
From coach to comedian: Marty Simpson is a former USA Today high school All-American and collegiate Academic All-Conference player for USC who scored the Gamecocks' first 6 points in the SEC. During 8 years as a high school varsity coach, Simpson led his team to the state finals and saw one player advance to set an NFL rookie record. Simpson now divides his time between his family, running a multimedia company named Blue-Eyed Panda and getting the same pre-game jitters by performing stand-up comedy nationwide.
Check out Marty's performance dates here.
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